Methods of increasing and optimizing site conversion rate

Methods of increasing and optimizing site conversion rate

Conversion rate is one of the most important concepts that we need to measure in internet businesses to understand how successful our investment is in converting incoming traffic to what we wanted.
All our efforts in digital marketing are to be able to achieve the goals defined in the sales and marketing department using digital and online tools. This is why digital marketers must first have a good understanding of marketing and sales.

Any business you consider, online or offline, is looking for more sales, and in fact, everyone is thinking about making money. Maybe some of your marketing campaigns are done with goals like branding or lead collection, but in the end, all of these things end up in the sales funnel, and you’re looking for more sales than your investment.
The audience that lands on your site may have found you in a number of ways, but ultimately your most important goal is to convert them into buyers or to do something you want them to do. Now your whole goal is to seek to increase and optimize the conversion rate by using different solutions.
For example, based on the AIDA model, your audience goes through four important stages to buy products. AIDA is derived from the four words Awareness, Interest, Decision and Action:

  • Brand awareness
  • Interested in the product
  • Decision making
  • Buy

Now you have to optimize each of these steps in the best way to increase your conversion rate. In this article, we will talk more about what is the conversion rate and what solutions increase and optimize the conversion rate of the site.

What is the conversion rate?

If we want to define the conversion rate in the simplest possible way, we should say that the conversion rate means how many percent of the people who entered the site fulfilled your desired request. With this definition, it is natural that the conversion rate on each site may be different and depends on your targeting.
Sometimes the desired action can include buying or registering on the site, and sometimes it can lead to filling a form or other things. But in the end, the higher the ratio of the actions that you want to the number of site entries, the higher the conversion rate.

Why should we take site conversion rate optimization seriously?

Surely, according to the simple explanations we provided in the previous section, you have realized how important the conversion rate and optimization of this measure can be. Sometimes with trial and error or A/B testing, you come to the conclusion that a simple change can have a significant impact on optimizing your conversion rate.
Therefore, we should take site conversion rate optimization seriously and try to increase the conversion rate by using different methods. But why is conversion rate optimization so serious?

Every day is better than yesterday

Improving is a process that has no end, and any business that thinks it has reached the best possible point and does not need to improve, must wait for its failure. No matter how much your site is in the best possible condition and in terms of UI or user experience (UX), good content is published on it and there are significant sales, there is still room for improvement. has it.
There are always ways to improve and attract more customers. Undoubtedly, if your site is not in a good state, it is easier to identify problems and fix them, but the better your site is, the more carefully you should work on optimizing the conversion rate.

Every day is better than yesterday

Improving is a process that has no end, and any business that thinks it has reached the best possible point and does not need to improve, must wait for its failure. No matter how much your site is in the best possible condition and in terms of UI or user experience (UX), good content is published on it and there are significant sales, there is still room for improvement. has it.
There are always ways to improve and attract more customers. Undoubtedly, if your site is not in a good state, it is easier to identify problems and fix them, but the better your site is, the more carefully you should work on optimizing the conversion rate.

Expensive advertising is not always the solution

Many people think that in order to increase the conversion rate of the site, they only have to spend money and look for different paid advertisements. But really, this is probably the simplest and simplest thought that comes to many people’s minds. Your art is to be able to use cost-effective methods to optimize site conversion rates by examining the current state of the site and the customer journey.

Finding quality and targeted customers

Our whole goal in conversion rate optimization is to reach audiences and customers who are of high quality and are actually our target customers. What is the value if we get a million visitors to our site, but only one of them does what we want? But if 100 people enter the site in a targeted manner and 10 of them take the desired action, our conversion rate will be 10%.

Conversion rate optimization is not expensive

You are not going to focus on the conversion rate optimization only on increasing the incoming traffic of the site. In many cases, with free or low-cost methods, you can make this current inbound traffic have a higher conversion rate. You definitely know that the cost of attracting new customers is much higher than the cost of keeping existing customers.

Increase revenue and profitability

Return on investment in conversion rate optimization is quite acceptable. You use cheap and cost-effective solutions to increase your income and profitability. In simple terms, increasing your conversion rate leads to increased profits and thus better ROI.

Attract more audiences

Maybe this is interesting for you. Conversion rate optimization will not only help you save money and increase revenue, but you can also attract a larger audience. What do you think is the reason for this? It’s very simple! When the return on investment occurs, you now have more money and can spend it on finding new customers.

How is the conversion rate calculated?

Now that we are familiar with the definition and importance of conversion rate and its optimization, it is time to see how to calculate the conversion rate. Of course, it seems that you can easily guess the formula for calculating the conversion rate:

100 * (number of visitors who took the desired action) / (total number of visitors) = conversion rate

Effective factors in optimizing the conversion rate

If you are looking to increase the site conversion rate and optimize it, you should know that 6 important factors are effective in this sector:
Value creation: What value you create for the audience is very important. The customer has to pay and the other side wants to see what they are getting. You have to justify to the customer what benefits and values they will receive in return for the payment.
Relevance: Audiences enter your site with certain defaults, and the more your content and value proposition matches their expectations, the easier it is for them to take the desired action.
Clarity: The more ambiguous your message is, the more likely you are to lose your audience. Express your value proposition very clearly and clearly so that the audience takes your desired action faster.
Credibility: Try to be a trustworthy and reliable source. If you have factors on your site that cause mistrust, be sure to correct or remove it.
Attracting attention: You must be able to attract the attention of the audience in the right way at the first glance. If there are things on the site that cause confusion or distract the attention of the audience, you should correct or remove it.
Create urgency: You need to tell your audience why their action is necessary at this time. A time limit, a limited number of products, creating an incentive or a timed discount code are some of the things that can justify this necessity.

Solutions to increase site conversion rate

The solution to increase the bitterness of work conversion

If you are looking to increase the site’s conversion rate, there are solutions that can help you achieve your desired result faster.
Use of high-quality photos and videos: The more you can use high-quality video and image elements, the more audiences you will attract and the more trust you will have in your products.

Increasing site speed: Even if you have the best and most beautiful site in the world, but it is slow, no user will stay on it. If the pages of your site don’t load in less than 3 seconds, you should limit 40% of the visitors.
Use of call: If you use the right and attractive call to action in different places of the site, the chances of increasing your conversion rate will be higher.
Confirmation of previous customers: In order to create a sense of trust in new audiences, you can take advantage of the confirmation and positive comments of previous buyers.
Optimizing site user experience: Site user experience (UX) is very important, especially on product pages. Users should be able to quickly and easily reach their needs and become customers.
Use of quick search function: Users are always used to use the search function. So not only is it better to use a powerful search engine, but you should also work on product titles to make them easier to find in search.
Different payment methods: Sometimes customers hesitate to pay online and fear that they will not receive a product or become a victim of phishing and internet fraud. Therefore, it is better to consider different payment methods such as payment on the spot or card to card.
Responsive design: Due to the widespread use of smartphones, many users do their work with mobile devices. Therefore, the pages of your site must be fully responsive designed to be compatible with any screen.
Constant support: using online chat especially 24 hours a day helps the audience to ask their questions before buying and then make their purchase safely.
Constantly updating the site: You must show yourself as a reliable and valid authority. One of the ways to do this is to constantly update the site with new and pure content.
Building trust: by obtaining the necessary permissions and placing them on the site, gain the trust of the audience so that they can buy from you safely.
Special offers and discount codes: To attract users and convert them into customers, you can use special offers or discount codes without a time limit, such as the first purchase discount code.

Increase conversion rate for customers

Using A/B testing

There are various A/B testing tools that you can use to increase site conversion rates. With the help of A/B test and checking the results, you can measure the feedback of each of your decisions and adopt each one with a better result.

Retargeting campaigns

One of the best ways to increase site conversion rate is to run retargeting campaigns. Consider a customer or contact who entered your site in any way and left the site without taking any specific action. You should look for the cause of this issue and see if his action was not completed due to possible problems or if there were other reasons. Then retarget him using different campaigns.

e-mail marketing

Email marketing is one of the best low-cost advertising methods that you can use to keep in touch with your customers and send them new offers or special discounts.

Content optimization

Content is one of the most important factors through which audiences and customers visit your site. Try to increase the amount of interaction with customers and increase your conversion rate by providing attractive, unique, rich and customized content.

Analysis of customer behavior

Customer behavior research always gives us the best reports. Using analytical tools such as Google Analytics, you can fix your errors and defects to increase the conversion rate of your site.

Optimizing audience personas

The better and larger audience you can target, the higher your conversion rate can be. Therefore, you should optimize your audience persona over time.

Introducing some tools to analyze and optimize the conversion rate

There are many tools for analyzing and optimizing site conversion rates. Of course, not all of them can be accessed from Iran, or you have to buy a premium account for continuous use. But in any case, there is no way to ignore the increase in site conversion rate. Here are some important tools:

Google Analytics

The best and most widely used conversion rate analysis and optimization tool that we can use easily and for free is Google Analytics. In this powerful and practical tool, we can check useful information such as site bounce rate, user input sources, errors on the site, how long the user stays on the site, etc., and by analyzing the results and reports obtained, you can increase your conversion rate.

Similar Web

Similar Web is a tool that provides you with comprehensive information about users and their input sources so that you can increase your conversion rate by optimizing your content.


GTMetrics is one of the online tools for site speed testing. By entering your site address on the GTMetrics website, you can fix existing problems and improve your site speed.


This tool is one of the best examples available for A/B testing, which helps you increase the conversion rate of your site by performing various tests and optimizing existing methods.

Hot Jar

Hotjar is another tool for detailed analysis of user behavior, which provides you with a lot of good information and analyzes well the path of the sales funnel and customer journey. But you can use this tool for free for only two weeks.


Conversion rate is one of the most important measures that show how successful our performance and investment in internet marketing has been. The meaning of the conversion rate is that among all the visitors who entered the site, how many percent did our desired request.
Various factors have an effect on increasing the conversion rate, and the conversion rate can be optimized by using different and yet simple solutions.

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